Saturday, January 31, 2009


One of my fellow ITA teammates has asked for some answers on developing athletic expertise in order to prepare for a lecture. I do not necessarily consider myself an expert on skiing, but am always willing to help out a fellow athlete.

1. What is the athletic background of your parents and family?
My mom (seen with little-me, left) has always been recreation only. My dad grew up racing motocross and got into skiing when he met my mom (the things boys do for girls). He now competes in local running and ski races.
My friends have always been split - some are athletic and some are not. Of course I have friends from sport but I find it refreshing to hang out with non athletes as much as possible. I can only handle just so many type A folks in one room!

2. When did you begin participating in your sport?
3 maybe? Fun competition started around age 5

1. What was your early experience with sport like?
Family activity and fun with friends; I didn't even realize I was training until I was 13.

2. How instrumental were parents and coaches in the early part of your development as an athlete?
SUPER important. My folks made it all possible and my coach (a friend's dad) gave us all the motivation, direction and discipline we needed. There would be a group of kids on a 3-hour run with intervals through the back-country every week but if you asked what we did that day, we would probably have said "played in the woods with some friends." We had no idea, only that we were having the time of our lives!

3. How were you introduced to your sport and how many other sports did you seriously participate in?
Introduced through my hometown - It was the thing to do for my generation of kid back then and there. Growing up in the same place now would be different since the snow has changed and the ski area is out of business. That planted the seed and I ran with it (got me into college, post grad career, etc.). I played soccer, kayaked, swam, road bikes (mtn and road), climbing, surfing, triathlon, running... I was serious about each one during their time but never longer than a year. Skiing is the one that has stuck with me (maybe because it brings in the rent.... sort of). I do many of them still to cross-train but all in order to improve my skiing.

4. Is your success a product of nature or nurture?
Both, but I think more nurture. My brothers (one older, one younger) are also skiers. My folks encouraged us and we had the same opportunities as far as coaching and equipment. We all even went to the same college... so we were all nurtured. Because of my nature however (a product of being nurtured) I am doing it now as a profession. My older brother coaches for the US Ski Team so he is still doing it as a career too. My little brother still participates but does not compete. Competition is definitely in my nature but who knows what I would have competed in if I were nurtured in a city with sisters...

5. Are you an expert in your field? (by your own definition)
I am sought out for lessons, advice and tips on ski training and racing - I think that I am an expert to those people. I do not have the knowledge to be a US Ski Team coach right now though so I am far from that caliber of expert.

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